Coffee & Chocolate Parfait

Whenever you see coffee on this blog, you have my Mom to thank. She frequently asks, “when’s the next time you’re going to make a coffee dessert?” The way to her heart is definitely through coffee. Add chocolate to the mix, and you’ll be on her good side for life. Her birthday is around the corner and she always requests, Cream Cheese Coffee Cake for her morning cake and a mocha torte (still not on the blog but coming soon) for the real cake.

In the meantime, I made these parfaits. I’m personally not a huge fan, not because they’re bad, but because I don’t like whipped cream. Shocker, I know.

My best friend from France, Lorie, once gasped in disbelief when I ordered a chocolat chaud (rich hot chocolate) while on a coffee date in France. She saw me scrape what she referred to as my “mountain of whipped cream” off my drink. I think she told every French person she knew this story, never forgetting to include that I had to ask for an additional saucer to contain all of the scraped off chantilly. I have since learned my lesson and know when to ask for things on the side. Knowing too, that I’ll get another face of disbelief.

And so just the thought of an entire dessert consisting of flavored creams makes me nauseous. Custard based creams or mousses Mousse au Chocolat Blanc, however are a different story entirely Mocha Pot de Crème. This recipe though, made my Mom very happy. And I hope it makes you very happy too. You have a delicate chocolate cream layered with coffee cream, bringing out the flavors in each other. Enjoy!

Coffee & CHocolate Parfait snippet


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