Easy Peasy Cheesecake

This cheesecake recipe comes from my best friend, Tania. She’s not really into desserts so when a recipe comes along that she approves of, you know it has to be good. This particular cheesecake is special for three reasons:

One, it is so ridiculously easy to make that it becomes habit forming. Only the crust requires baking, for a mere 10 minutes. The rest is just assembly and chilling.

Two, the actual cheesecake. The texture is so light and fluffy, it’s like the angel food cake of cheesecakes. And the taste is cheesecake-y but less sweet. So it feels light, well as light as cheesecake can be, while still tasting amazing. In other words, it’s richness doesn’t weigh you down the rest of the evening.

And lastly, and perhaps most importantly, you can eat these out of little individual mason jars. The recipe is actually created for this purpose, making this easy peasy cheesecake, the perfect picnic cheesecake. You separate the crust and filling between 8-10 mason jars, close them up, and bring them along to whatever potluck or picnic you’re going to. How cute is that?!

Easy Peasy Cheesecake snippet


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